Reflection Photo Effect



Become a scene director for a change: choose the main character, light and setting itself for a mute movie! The action takes place in this photo effect, starting before a giant window glass. 
There has been a moment of you romantically staring out of the bus window, listening to a lo-fi playlist and simply enjoying life right here & now. Even though this scene has long passed, the aesthetics of it can live much longer, captured with a window reflection photo effect. It’s convenient feature concerns adding your own image overlay as a supposed reflection glass. Whether it’s implied as a nature sight, full of plants and trees, or bustling, roaring city center. Decide on the main character of a scene, then add some plot to it in a couple of clicks! 
This resource is created, and fully compatible with Adobe Photoshop. For the best experience, we recommend to use the latest Creative Cloud version of the app.
  • Format: PSD, TXT
  • Size: 7 mb