Who doesn’t love dinosaurs! Those reptile first appeared during the Triassic period but first dinosaur fossils were recognized in the early 19th century. Since then people have gone crazy about dinosaurs and their skeletons are major attractions at museums around the world. In this pack, you can find such dinosaurs as Tyrannosaurus, Aucasaurus, Diceratops, Theropod, Brachiosaurus, Suchomimus, Monolophosaurus and Kentrosaurus. Download and enjoy!
File Info:
- 9 brushes in set
- Category: Creatures, Dragon
- Brushes Size: 2500 px
- Available Format: .ABR files
- Minimum PS Version: CS4
- File Size: 10.1 MB
- Download file type: Zip
- License: Free for commercial use (Link to author)
- Author : Roy3d

Download Latest Version Adobe Photoshop CC
How to install brushes (.abr files) :
-Put the (.abr) file you’ve downloaded into the folder
(on Windows)C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop\Presets\Brush
(on Mac) /Users/{YOUR USERNAME}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop ___/
-Then open your Adobe Photoshop, active brush tool, go to option palette and click on to open the brush preset picker.
(read more other ways to install)