Source & Design : Ramses Cabello
in ,

Engrave Photoshop Action

The filter applies an engraving effect to any photograph using a Photoshop Action.Engraving as defined by the marvelous.(Thanks to Ramses Cabello for these actions) Wikipedia is: Engraving is the practice of incising a design onto a hard, usually flat surface, by cutting grooves into it.

File Info:

  • Available Format: .atn files
  • License: Free for personal
  • File Size: 41 Mb
  • Download file type: Zip
  • Author: Ramses Cabello
  • To use these PSD files you need Adobe Photoshop
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You need to download this zip, which contains an Photoshop Action and
Photoshop File. Install the Action in your photoshop and follow these steps or (read more other ways to install)

To use these PSD files you need Adobe Photoshop